Installing PHP4

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ProTrooper, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. ProTrooper

    ProTrooper New Member

    I am trying to install OSCommerce but it will not work on PHP5. Can I downgrade with ISPConfig installed and how can I go about doing so? I searched using yum and apt-get but both only had PHP5. Are there any repositories with PHP4?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You should not get troble with ISPConfig because the configuration directives in the vhosts are equal for PHP4 and PHP5.

    I dont know any, but this means not that there arent none :D Maybe you can ask in some forums or mailinglists specialized for your linux distro.

    If you cant find any repositorys, you can uninstall PHP5 with apt or yum and try compile php4 manually.
  3. ProTrooper

    ProTrooper New Member

    Okay, but do you know what dependencies PHP4 needs?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That depends on the modules you want to compile in. The major dependencies are fullfilled when you have successfully installed ISPConfig.

    When you want to compile PHP4 with e.g. postgresql, it is a good idea to install the "-devel" package first, in this case the postgresql - devel package.
  5. ProTrooper

    ProTrooper New Member

    Okay, I have PHP 4.4 binaries but that is all I can find. Where can I download php4-devel, cgi, gd, mysql, pear, etc.?

    Thanks again for all the help.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Normally you get them from where you got the binaries. The pacakges must be compiled together to work correctly.
  7. ProTrooper

    ProTrooper New Member

    That's what I thought. I got the binaries from I see nothing else on the site though...
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maybe it is all compiled in statically.
  9. ProTrooper

    ProTrooper New Member

    Oh okay, I'll try.
  10. ProTrooper

    ProTrooper New Member

    Okay I installed it and I think they are all combined. make then make install and I saw this:
    Installing PHP SAPI module:       cgi
    Installing PHP CGI into: /usr/local/bin/
    Installing PEAR environment:      /usr/local/lib/php/
    [PEAR] Archive_Tar    - installed: 1.1
    [PEAR] Console_Getopt - installed: 1.2
    [PEAR] PEAR           - installed: 1.3.5
    Wrote PEAR system config file at: /usr/local/etc/pear.conf
    You may want to add: /usr/local/lib/php to your php.ini include_path
    [PEAR] HTML_Template_IT- installed: 1.1
    [PEAR] Net_UserAgent_Detect- installed: 2.0.1
    [PEAR] XML_RPC        - installed: 1.3.1
    Installing build environment:     /usr/local/lib/php/build/
    Installing header files:          /usr/local/include/php/
    Installing helper programs:       /usr/local/bin/
      program: phpize
      program: php-config
    Installing man pages:             /usr/local/man/man1/
      page: phpize.1
      page: php-config.1
    However... the php info page returns version 5.0.4 still and the script I am trying to run will not work. I tried make uninstall and it returns:

    make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.
    yum remove php finds no matches. I know this is now a new problem, but do you have any suggestions?
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you have the correct PHP module loaded into your Apache? The one for PHP4, not for PHP5?

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