Installing ssl certificate in ispconfig from 123-reg ssl

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by ginner159, May 29, 2013.

  1. ginner159

    ginner159 New Member

    Hi all,

    I am asking for a little assistance in installing a purchased ssl certificate from

    I have purchased and downloaded all the files that come with buying the ssl but this is my first time in buying one. I got a properly signed cert as i currently have setup a few domains but i want to use one domain to address email and ispconfig 3 without the annoying warning message. (setting up a small hosting site for friends and family)

    ie, - used for and (ispconfig port), ect use dns mx records pointed at and cname pointed at (for client login panel)

    I have setup my VPS (hosted at HTTPNode) using and have got emails and everything working.

    Here is a image of what i have got from them (domain removed for privacy, also attached)

    Id like to be able to use the ssl cert for email (like on phones to remove the not trused messgae), remove the warning on ispconfig page and to secure the registered domain.

    I know it sounds alot and im thankful for any help you can give me. im not a total *nix noob but ive still alot to learn


    Attached Files:

  2. ginner159

    ginner159 New Member

    50 views! can anyone help me?
  3. monkfish

    monkfish Member

    Did you buy a wildcard SSL certificate; ie * as the world of SSL says the above two are different realms. Makes a difference as even if its SSL enabled your browser may still throw a warning as the site won't match the certificate. Worth checking.

    These notes are specific to a/my Centos build. You will have to adapt as necessary.

    - Sites > > web domain tab, enable SSL click save
    - under SSL tab paste key and cert or paste bundle and save.
    - wait for job to update config and look in /var/www/ where you will see and files
    - copy your intermediate.crt file into same folder
    - Go back to ispconfig control panel under sites > > options and in apache directives enter a line "SSLCertificateChainFile /var/www/" to match the filename you entered.
    - Save and test

    For ispconfig same principle but you may have to modify /etc/httpd/conf/sites-available/ispconfig.vhost yourself and enter SSLCertificateChainFile as a line in there manually. The ispconfig certs live in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl. Overwrite the .crt and .key files with yours and don't forget to copy the intermediate crt as well. Restart apache.

    Last edited: May 31, 2013
  4. ginner159

    ginner159 New Member

    lolz to that! and yer i did type that but i got confused so as not to hijack a thread started a new one.

    Looking at my ssl i got one of these so i don't think i did bugger!

    If it is the case of my ssl only securing then will accessing webmail via be covered?

    if not i will do as you said and secure ispconfig as id like my clients to feel safe :)

    also i found this on 123-reg website (halfway down Apache V2)
    using what you said, correct me if im wrong, but i could put a link in the same box to the other files and upload all 5 files i downloaded to /var/www/

    and thanks for your help it really is appreciated!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2015

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