Integrate StartEncrypt

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by hnn, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. hnn

    hnn New Member

    Got an email from StartCom:

  2. ganewbie

    ganewbie Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Sounds interesting
  3. MitchTalmadge

    MitchTalmadge New Member

    Seems like a blatant rip-off of Let's Encrypt to me. Just look at the last line: "Let’s start to encrypt now." Really? Besides that, it's also not open source at all, you have to install a daemon to manage certificates, and although they mention wildcard certificates "(5) Not just for one domain, but up to 120 domains with wildcard support," this is apparently part of their "Pro" plan. Who knows how much that costs -- why would they have a lite and a pro plan if one did not cost money?

    I feel like sticking with Let's Encrypt is the best option.
    Nemis likes this.
  4. ganewbie

    ganewbie Member HowtoForge Supporter

    startcom is an old player and as far as I know they were the only one offering SSL for free for a year "class 1".
    Let's Encrypt is shaking the market.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As far as I have read, you get max 5 SSL certs fro free from StartEncrypt and you have to register for that first and get an account at startcom (unlike letsencrypt where you don't have to register) and you need the pro plan to get certs that with a higher trust level than letsencrypt. So I see only disadvantages compared to letsencrypt as long as you need just domain validated SSL certs.
  6. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Also, revocation of free certs will be charged.

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