Integrated Graphics Controller and PCI Dual Head Graphics Card

Discussion in 'Technical' started by awgieD, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. awgieD

    awgieD New Member

    If the BIOS is forcing the use of either my integrated graphics
    controller or the Nvidia dual head PCI card I've installed is there a
    way for Fedora 4 to see the graphics card the BIOS is not using?

    Currently I'm trying to set up a Triple head monitor unit, a Mass
    Multiple to be exact, and in my PC's BIOS if I leave it to the BIOS to
    auto select which graphics card to use my Nvidia dual head card becomes
    the primary graphics card. However, if I do an lspci I don't see the
    integrated Intel graphics chip. If I tell the BIOS to use the
    integrated chip as my primary video source then I can't see the Nvidia
    card in lspci.

    Anyone have any suggestions?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't think this is possible...
  3. business.kid

    business.kid New Member

    I thought most of that double head & triple head stuff was configured in Xorg.Conf. 2 BIOS settings which might affecy things are the "Enable..." for the ginbuilt graphics card, and "Which to check for first" with agp or pci as options. If you are not seeing things, be aware of the bus numbers. lspci -t might help. The bios probably expects to be running windoze which might get very muddled by your box :).

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