Hello, I have 3 nodes of ISPConfig installation on Debian 7 and 8. One of them already operational, serving client at our University. Starting yesterday i got this error on ISPConfig log said : " 2015-06-24 07:45 Error [INTERFACE]: APS crawler: Unable to fetch vendors. Aborting " All of my servers are having php5-curl installed and also able to download directly from the internet. I believe the above error message is generated by this block of code on/usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/aps_crawler.inc.php : " // Execute the open task and first fetch all vendors (APS catalog API 1.1, p. 12) $app->log($this->log_prefix.'Fetching data from '.$this->fetch_url); $vendor_page = $this->fetchPage('/all-app/'); //$vendor_page = $this->fetchPage('/'.$this->aps_version.'/'); preg_match_all("/\<a href=\"(.+)\/\" class=\"vendor\"/i", $vendor_page, $matches); $vendors = array_map('urldecode', $matches[1]); if(!$vendors) throw new Exception('Unable to fetch vendors. Aborting'); " Is there anyone else having the same problem ? Also is there a change on APS catalog API , so the vendors value perhaps returned null. Thank you.
When do you get this error, during package list update? I just run a package list update on my Debian 7 test server whcih has the p8 release installed and it finished without errors.
Hello till, I always get this error when i run Update Packagelist on APS Installer. It's always the same, whether on Debian 7 or Debian 8. Is there any verbose debug option on ISPConfig so i can look deeper for the cause ?
Is there anyway i can debug the APS crawler ? For example where do the aps crawler get its package list ? I can try to trace my servers route to that site. Maybe this is some kind of network problem. I still get the same error message until today.
The only way is to add some debug code into the aps installer library. The files are in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/ and start with "aps".