Intranet Only Howto for perfect server any flavor...

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by happz, May 13, 2009.

  1. happz

    happz Member

    I was wondering if you guys could have a section for Intranet only Hosting. I have setup perfect server with ubuntu in an intranet environment using also, ispconfig 2, then created a site and added content to it. then and it went to web1.
    then I found that after creating web2 that there was not way to get to it. Or is there? In an intranet environment you really can't give a direct name to a site like so how would you do this so to create multiple sites? A tutorial on that would be great. I did read that you could go to your windows xp systems and add in the host file entries like:

    192.168.x.x ...and so on but with there being over a thousand of pc's hitting this server, it would not make sense to try to ask the entire company to have their IT guys add those entries to every pc...

    I understand I am making two points. One is to get Intranet Only info to help resolve issue that one might face and two is, how to resolve the issues I am facing with creating more than one intranet site and how to resolve to those sites. :)


    Last edited: May 13, 2009

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