
Discussion in 'General' started by LHTyler, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. LHTyler

    LHTyler New Member


    I just set up the Perfect SuSE 10.1 with ISPConfig and I want to use it for an intranet. It will not be accessible from outside my network. I have assigned an internal static IP address, but I am having trouble trying to set up a web page that is visible to users.

  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Can you describe your "trouble" more precisly?

    What is the actual problem?
  3. LHTyler

    LHTyler New Member

    intranet - got it

    Hi Ben,

    I figured it out. I had been creating the site incorrectly. Now it's fine, and I have changed the index.html and can see it. I've also added the ip address of the server to the hosts file on the workstations where I've tested it.

    Thanks, and I have to say, these how-tos have been terrific.


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