After upgrading to ISPConfig-3.1.15p1 I have noted that it is no longer possible to save changes to system users. I am using the default theme completely unmodified, so I should expect this to work out of the box. Any attempt to save changes returns "Invalid chars in App theme". Is there a bug?
Same Issue here, can`t change adminstrative password. ISPConfig-3.1.15p1 Debian 10 PHP 7.3 Issue also occurs when changing php to 7.2
The issue has been fixed now. Update to git-stable using command to get the fixed version.
I have the same problem. Debian 10. ISpConfig: 3.1.15p1 There is no update available for stable version. What to do?
Yes there is, it is in git-stable now. Most likely the fix is included in next ispconfig stable release, but for now it is only in that git-stable version. Upgrading to git-stable goes the same way as any ISPConfig update. The first question updater asks: Code: Select update method (stable,git-stable,git-master) [stable]:
But, I installed ISPConfig through the installer script all in one. So I can't get Isp's official git update. Is there any way to do this?
Of course you can update ISPConfig as usual. Yes, run: command as root user on the shell. But @Taleman and I told you that already, so no Idea why you did not do it.