Maybe I am missing basic points, but I have created a droplet in DigitalOcean and followed the excellent guide: The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3) My domains are on and I want to set new nameservers via "Customizable nameserver settings" - there as instructed by DigitalOcean's tech support I put my droplets IP only to receive "Invalid TLD error" any idea?
I am sorry, but I think I miss understood... I only have the IP address of my server. how would I be able to point to that IP (in ISPConfig my server name is "")
Create a new DNS A record. -> your IP ( eg. ), this will point the domain to your server.
All records not containing errors have been successfully saved to your zone file. Zone File Record Host Status NS No matching A record found for NS record []
While this might seem trivial to many, I know that there are many n00bs like myself Just as a reference to others - Follow the Guide here but read notes that follow: How To Run Your Own Name Servers With ISPConfig And GoDaddy When you login to your godaddy you will get a new screen, in the Domains Section press the green Launch on the top left corner you have DNS Manager - click it go to Edit Zone under your domain name Delete all records and follow the guide. In your ISPConfig 3, follow the updated guide.