
Discussion in 'General' started by savagemania, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. savagemania

    savagemania New Member

    I am confused on the ISP Config invoice option. Does it just generate the invoice to be printed and mailed or can it automatically email the invoice? Also how do you delete invoices and can they be set to automatically bill every XX months?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The invoice module creates invoices in XML format and stores them in the database. If you want to email the invoices automatically, you will have to write a script that reads the xml and creates and sends the emails.

    There is currently no explicit function to delete invoices. You can do this in the database.

    Yes, tahts the main purpose of the billing function.
  3. binaryrogue

    binaryrogue Member

    which database is it to delete in the invoice?
  4. binaryrogue

    binaryrogue Member

    nevermind. I found it.

    its in table isp_fakt_rechnung

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