IP address Problem

Discussion in 'General' started by dogar, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. dogar

    dogar New Member

    hello to all

    i am using a mchine as "ftp" having ip address 10.*.*.* with OS linux redhat 9. this machine is runing continuncley from last 10 months.But is suddnly stop responding when i cheak the IP address then there is no IP on the LAN card. i give it an IP address of same as it using before but when i start the network it give the following error message

    Brining up interface eth1: Error some other host already usese the address 10.*.*.*

    i conformed that no other machine is using this IP. i also try to use the other IP address but the same message is displayed.i cant understand the problem

    plz any one help me urgent.

    reguards to all of u

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post the output of the command:


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