IP Problems

Discussion in 'Technical' started by farshadpw, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. farshadpw

    farshadpw New Member

    I run a Suse 10.1 server with ISPconfig for my control panel. I recently had to change the IP of the server. Now un of my sites show up. I have gone in and changed the IP on the linix OS itself and went into the ISPControl Panel under Managment > Server > Settings and changed the IP and all required info there,, but still nuthing will come up the right way.

    I then went in to DNS Manger and went to each individual site and changed the Ip there as well. After that on any og the site I try to visite I get Access Denied page Error 403. Other than than I can sign into the Control Panel just fine using a URL and new IP bith just the sites that are being hosted on the server are getting this page.

    I am wanting to know are there other steps to be taken here to make it all work correctly again or will I have to reload it?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please go into the settings of each web site in ISPConfig and change the IP address there.
  3. farshadpw

    farshadpw New Member

    IP's Changed

    Ok I went in and changed the ips and now the sites with just html show up but the sites that had DB's runing them like my php sites are comming up to the page that has the shared ip comment.

    WHat do i need to do to the system to make mysql work again?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please check the IP address settings in your Vhosts_ispconfig.conf file.

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