Ipplan moved from ispconfig 2 to ispconfig 3 login problem

Discussion in 'General' started by baskin, May 21, 2009.

  1. baskin

    baskin Member

    I have a working installation of ipplan on a ispconfig 2 system (opensuse 10.0).

    I have moved the installation to a newly created ispconfig 3 system (opensuse 11.1). I moved the files and export-import the database.

    All seems well and when i access the home page of ipplan (http://www.mydomain/ipplan) everything looks normal.

    The problem is that i cannot login to ipplan neither with the accounts created in the database or the admin account that exists in the config.php file of ipplan.

    From the faq of ipplan:

    It seems that something is confusing ipplan's authentication although i have made an .htaccess file in the ipplan's folder as stated in the faq.

    Any help is appreciated.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post the vhost configuration?
  3. baskin

    baskin Member

    Sure. Here is the requested vhost configuration:

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you change all
    AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit
    lines to
    AllowOverride All
    and restart Apache? Does it work then?
  5. baskin

    baskin Member

    Sorry for the late reply, i was away from civilization.

    No is not working. I have the same behavior as before. It keeps asking for username and password.
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  6. baskin

    baskin Member

    After the latest update ( my vhost configuration is:

    I have also tried to change all


    with no luck.

    I have also checked that ipplan is working when i moved it to a test server without ispconfig and vhosts (just one site).

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