Iredmail to Ispconfig password migrate

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by youdam09, Apr 15, 2018.


How migrate encryted passwords to ispconfig 3?

  1. the encryption key

    0 vote(s)
  2. ecryption file

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  1. youdam09

    youdam09 New Member

    Hi, we are migrating one server with old iredmail version to the last version of ispconfig 3, we need migrate all the passwords to ispconfig, but the problem is the encryption.

    Any was doing that?
    We need help!

    Thank´s before
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    How does irdedmail store their passwords? Are they encrypted so that you have encrypted versions only or do you have the cleartext passwords? In ISPConfig, passwords are encrypted (hashed) in the same way that passwords in /etc/passwd file are encrypted. By default, ISPConfig uses crypt-md5 with salt, but you may use other encryption modes as well as ISPConfig does not need to know the encryption mode, just postfix and dovecot must be able to use it which should be the case for all encryption modes that work for /etc/passwd file.
  3. youdam09

    youdam09 New Member

    No, i dont have the pass with cleartext, Iredmail encrypt with SHA+salt (SSHA) but, if move all the password´s to the new email server, that´s doesn´t work.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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