Is APSStandard closed ?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by elmacus, Feb 2, 2020.

  1. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    No new Wordpress version since 5.2 in APS, so i found this:
    "APS Package downloads are now available only by contacting the Vendor directly or by accessing the APS Catalog via an enabled Odin Automation or Parallels Plesk platform. If there is no entry in the platform for a listed package in this public APS Catalog, please contact the Vendor directly to obtain a copy of this class of APS packages."

    So they have closed public access for us?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The message is there for several years now, so nothing has changed. Maybe the WP package builder is late or WP stopped supporting APS due to the attempts by Plesk to close the standard (which has been advertised as open by them for years). Beside the APS installer, you can also use softaculous with ISPConfig. Btw, this topic has been discussed here in the forum already in the past :)
    elmacus likes this.
  3. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

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