Is ISPConfig for me?

Discussion in 'General' started by PHP_Adam, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. PHP_Adam

    PHP_Adam New Member


    I have many high spec computers and laptops hanging around after closing a Business. So I want to put these and my High Speed connection to use.

    Im a PHP Freelance Programmer, and have many clients that are just small HTML websites and some PHP Website of my own that are in need of hosting. Doing this at my office is a good idea.

    Does ISPCONFIG work well with lighttpd, as this has been highly recommend for its "light weight" or should I use something else?

    The first server will fill up fast, so does ISPConfig allow easy management of Cluster of servers?

    Much Thanks
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, not yet. ISPConfig 3 might support Lighttpd in the future.

    With ISPconfig 3, you can manage multiple servers. ISPConfig 2 does not have such a feature.

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