Is it possible to add external hard drive

Discussion in 'Technical' started by happz, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. happz

    happz Member

    Rookie question here:

    I installed CENTOS 5.2 and ISPConfig on a laptop for testing purposes and i've put a lot of time into it so I started thinking that maybe i could but this into production environment by hosting a few sites. This laptop has only a 20gig hard drive and the sites will grow as time goes on and require more space.

    Is is possible to add an external hard drive after you have already install OS and ISPConfig and use it for where your sites are placed when created in ISPConfig?

    If the answer is Yes! May i get a step by step guide on howto?

    thanks you all!

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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