Is it possible with ISPconfig?

Discussion in 'General' started by som3body, Apr 14, 2016.

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  1. som3body

    som3body Member

    I have a dedicated server with 2 public IP's and Proxmox installed as a Hypervisor. On this server is NO Ispconfig installed.
    Created a VPS and installed ISPConfig. I have used the second public IP for the VM. On the host server there is BIND installed. Now on the virtual machine I would like to use ISPConfig to manage the zones and DNS setting etc. How to achieve, if I make new records or something, its synced wih the host machine? And Is it possible to set all the dns settings for the VM where is the ISPConfig installed via the GUI?

    I hope You will understand my problem, my English is not the best and also, I am not a professional system admin.
    Thank You
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Follow the multi-server guide to configure your VPS server as the ispconfig master, with all services running. Then install ispconfig on the host machine as a slave, connecting to the master you already have setup. In ISPConfig gui you would configure it with only DNS service enabled, and "is mirror of server" set to your vps server.
  3. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

  4. som3body

    som3body Member

    Thank You for Your Help.
    That sounds logical now.
    On my host server(Bare Metal) I have installed Debian Jessie and as a Hypervisor is Proxmox. On the VPS is also Debian Jessie installed.
    #1 - Because the server is dedicated with managed service, I have opened a ticket and they set the bare matal as primary dns server. If I will install Ispconfig over, will it be ok?
    #2 - I did not wanted to install ISPConfig on the host server. However if needed I will install it.
    #3 - They (server hosting provider) told me they cant help me with the ISPConfig because of lack of knowledge. (The main reason for paying for subscription, and the second this site is my main source of knowledge. Definitely worth 6€ / monthly. The best tutorials is always here.)

    Question: On the bare metal if I am going to install ISPConfig and I have to set it as a mirror and disable everything except dns, am I right, that I dont need to install the ftp,mail,mysql, etc.?

    Just to make things clear, this is a recommendation from technical support on my hosting what I get:
  5. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    That sounds like you needed your server to answer DNS for purposes of domain registration.

    #1: The ispconfig install may proceed on the bare metal server without issue, or it may need a little manual tweaking of things, depending on what the hosting folks did. You'll need to remove the setup for the current domain (ie. above) on the baremetal server, then proceed as mentioned above (ie. install ispconfig in bare metal and vps servers). Just add back into DNS in the ispconfig gui.

    #2: If you really don't want ispconfig on the bare metal server, you can just run a manually configured name server there. Install ispconfig in the vps with full services. In bind config on the vps server you'll need to allow transfers from the bare metal server's ip address (I don't think the ISPconfig gui has a setting for that). Then you could manually add DNS zones to the nameserver config on the bare metals server, as a slave of the vps - the nameserver itself will then connect and download the DNS records.
  6. som3body

    som3body Member

  7. som3body

    som3body Member

    Hello there. I have a question.
    If I am going to define nameservers and zones with ISPConfig on the VPS, do I have to add myself as a client? So I can add later an A record or something? And If I not installed ISPConfig in expert mode, can I change that to yes?
    "Shall this server join an existing ISPConfig multiserver setup (y,n) [n]:<-- y"
    Thank You
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Adding a client is only necessary if you want to delegate the administration of DNS or other assets to a client. If you just manage your own domains, then you can add a client for yourself but you don't have to.

    This can not be changed later (at least not easily). If you selected no here and this server shall be a slave of another server, then the best way is to uninstall ispconfig on the slave and reinstall it in expert mode tolet the installer join the master server.
  9. som3body

    som3body Member

    That should be the master, the slave I am trying to install on the bare metal. But I always get the "unable connect to the database...". Could it be because the DNS not configured properly yet? And also there (slave) I didnt get the question if "Shall this server join an existing ISPConfig multiserver setup (y,n) [n]:<-- y". I have choosen the expert mode.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The installation mode of the master does not matter, normal mode is ok there.

    Regarding hostnames and dns, ensure that you set the hostnames of all servers in the /etc/hosts files on all server (as described in the multiserver installation tutorials) and that you added a mysql root user on the master that can access the master from hostname and ip of the slaves. The procedure to add this mysql root users is described in the multiserver tutorials as well.

    The question if the slave shall join the master is always presented in expert mode, so you must get it.
  11. som3body

    som3body Member

    I am trying my best, but there is no:
    Instead of that, I have:
  12. som3body

    som3body Member

    Ok, I found out, I have used wrong root login, so I was able to get the
    . But at the and I get this anyway.
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means that the root access on the master has not been added correctly or the connection is closed by a firewall. you can test the connextion with the mysql command from the slave:

    mysql -u root -p -h master.server.tld

    replace master.server.tld with the full hostname of the master server. This connection mus be working first before you can install ispconfig on the slave server.
  14. som3body

    som3body Member

    Thank You. I will try it tomorrow morning in the office.
  15. som3body

    som3body Member

    Thank You, Your advice helped. Now I am able to run the setup of ISPConfig on the slave server.
    It is asking me
    Is that correct, do I will hev gui if set no?
    And the solution on my problem was, i had to
    then comment
    Just Iam not sure, if it is safe.
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If this is a slave server then you have to answer no as slaves are managed trough the GUI of the master, so they don't have their own GUI.

    That's ok and described in all ispconfig install guides (perfect setup and multiserver).
  17. som3body

    som3body Member

    I have succesfully installed ISPConfig slave. How do I know its working? I mean the slave. I havn't find anything in the etc/bind folder what can proof its working. There should be a copy of the bind zone file from the master server?
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Run tools >Resync in ispconfig interface to sync existing dns zones to the new slave server.
  19. som3body

    som3body Member

    Thanks a lot. Now I have the zonefile on the slave server too. Stupid question I know, but do I need to do it manually time to time or if I change something?
  20. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    No, you shouldn't need to resync manually, any changes in the future should happen on the slave as well. Try adding a record or zone and it should show up on the slave in about a minute. The resync tool is there if for some reason the master and slave get out of sync (ie. you experience some problem that breaks that), but they normally run/update just fine.
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