Is "mailing" a reserved name as an email prefix?

Discussion in 'General' started by Gert Brantner, Feb 1, 2016.

  1. Gert Brantner

    Gert Brantner New Member

    I could not find a mention elsewhere, but are there some forbidden names that cannot be used for mail addresses or aliases?
    I am trying to set up a forward "mailing@...", but I keep getting "unknown user". All other entries like "mailring@" do work.
    I need this to forward to a mailman mailing list.

    Help greatly appreciated!

  2. Gert Brantner

    Gert Brantner New Member

    I am still at a loss. Weather I set up "mailing@" as a forward, or as an account, I always receive: "
    <[email protected]> (expanded from <mailing@clientdomain>):
    unknown user: "mailing".
    If set up as account, I can login to squirrelmail fine. I can't find anything in the postfix documentation about reserved mail prefixes, is it possible this happens in amavis?
    Every other mail prefix works fine, btw.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    no. Check the /etc/alaises file.
  4. Gert Brantner

    Gert Brantner New Member

    There is nothing in the aliases file except the usual stuff. The Ispconfig db does contain the entries in the mail_user resp mail_forwarding tables- It is a riddle to me why postfix won't accept them while dovecot does.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can not add mailboxes (virtual users) for the server hostname in postfix. Postfix matches everything @server.hostname against Linux shell users and not mailboxes.

    That's why the hostname shall be a subdomain and is never used for mailboxes or websites.
  6. Gert Brantner

    Gert Brantner New Member

    Sorry I did not explain properly. I added username@customerdomain, which works fine. Adding mailing@customerdomain does not work, as does mailing-admin@customerdomain etc.
    The server hostname is only what gets expanded in the bounce reply, the error message.
    There is no shell user by that name.
  7. Gert Brantner

    Gert Brantner New Member

    I'm not sure if I understand you right. The server hostname is "". The client domain name is "". Does what you say imply I cannot set up any virtuser or forward that contains "mail***"? Or any prefixes containing "mail*" for any other client domain, at all? I tried postfix debugging but it does not tell me anything more than "The mail system <[email protected]> (expanded from "[email protected]"): unknown user: mailing".
    This would be very unusal, and unlucky indeed.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. I just meant that you can not add email addresses like [email protected].
    Search your postfix config if there is something about mailing:

    grep mailing /etc/postfix/*
    grep mailing /etc/aliases
  9. Gert Brantner

    Gert Brantner New Member

    Nothing in /etc/postfix/*
    The comment for the initial mailman list in /etc/aliases:
    "## mailman mailing list" (I had added it following an outdated howto for adding mailman).
    Removed the whole set of mailman aliases, newaliased, restarted postfix. Same behaviour: mailing: unknown user.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2016

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