Hi there. I was wondering if there is a command line interface for ISPConfig3.. I installed it yesterday to replace a 300-domain PLESK Obsidian server. I'm trying to find a way to automate migrating these domains to ISPConfig. I thought I'd take the PLESK backup, write something to read that backup, and re-create it at ISPConfig. But it would be nice if I could create a client, create a web site, create an email, etc from the command line. Has anyone done anything similar? Many thanks, -t
You can do that with the remote API: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/tree/develop/remoting_client?ref_type=heads Or use the ISPConfig Migration Tool: https://www.ispconfig.org/add-ons/ispconfig-migration-tool/ You can do a dry-run without being a license first to see if it works with your Plesk version. It will likely work with all recent Plesk versions.