Is there any way to install any Linux distro without using a cd drive?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by sprintlove, May 17, 2006.

  1. sprintlove

    sprintlove New Member

    Hello friends!

    Is there any way to install "any Linux distro" without using a cd drive? My problem is that I've downloaded a Mandriva ISO on my Windows XP machine and wanna know how to install it on my system without using any cd drive.

    Please help!

    Thanks! Have a nice day!

    - Sprint
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have a look here:

    But I don't know if you can install then.
    If you have a rescue system on your box, you can boot into that rescue system and install Linux with debootstrap (this works for Debian and Ubuntu, I don't know if something like this is available for Mandriva).

    Another possibility would be to install Mandriva on a system with a CD drive and then copy the image to your box without a CD drive:
  3. sprintlove

    sprintlove New Member

    Thanks for replying!

    Actually, I've got only one pc and it does has a dvd/cd rw combo. Since I've downloaded the distro ISO on my Windows partition, I wanna be able to know the way to install it on my pc without writing the ISO on a cd. Another problem is that my pc hasn't got any floppy disk drive.

    So please guide me how to install a linux distro in this way when you don't have a floppy drive/another pc option! Is it possible?

    Please guide me!

    Thanks! Have a nice day!

    - Sprint
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You will have to write the isos on a CD / DVD. It is not possible to mount a iso file during boot if you dont have a boot media like a floppy.

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