Is there help me in the composition of the mani saits

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ferasfm, May 10, 2009.

  1. ferasfm

    ferasfm New Member

    I want to help if possible I want to be 3 sites by ispconfig3 example
    I want to be the characteristics of each site has its own problem and I can not direct the site and the options that are selected from within the Klaty ispconfig3 for the establishment of 3 pages
    I chose to edit server ip
    I chose a new number and server
    Note that the number sercver
    And I went to the sites
    I chose the following options
    server ====
    ip addsess === 192.168.101 set up by the new figure
    Domain =========
    And did not select anything
    The problem that come up when I put the original number, a server blank page came to me there is something not tried to write failed
    When I just Net application without the title is easily ????????? Did not understand the topic I want to work with me at the request of the following Besalsourp No. browser server go to the page that I want are there and whether there were characteristics of and explain to me lol Bestor I have read a lot about ispconfig3 was taken to the code below

    After adding the code in the option
    Apache directives
    [<Directory /var/www/>
    AllowOverride All
    </ Directory>
    Php is not working Is there a code or any other characteristics of work, so I Achevha page open the site without the trouble with me I hope you help
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to access the site by entering in the webbrowser and not
  3. ferasfm

    ferasfm New Member

    Thank you very successful, but has yet to raoter and ordered him to be transferred to the, for example, has Ndjat process to which I do not understand Is this process for all sites that I want to completed or there is all this code work without fatigue

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