hi. i want add plugin from plugin wordpress online, but Always ask Ftp user and password. i add ftp user at admin ispconfig but failed
Then you eithers elected a wrong php mode in website settings or missed to enable the suexec checkbox. The php mode for websites that run a cms system should be php-fpm or php-fcgi. Dn't use mod_php as this will not work for cms like wordpss which write files to the web directory.
Wordpress will only ask for a FTP user you if you have chosen a wrong php mode or you missd enabling suexec or if your web files are owned by a wrong user. So check these three things again, there are no other options which might cause this.
hi, i only enable fcgi and disable suexec, chown -R web1:client1 /var/www/web1/web like that how to solve this
Do not disable suexec. The screenshot you posted shows it is disabled. Till has written twice, in #2 and #5 that suexec must be on. Consult ISPConfig manual, page 125.
hi, if i click the link update plugin from dashboar, then wordperss themes(1).php will download using suexec, but if i go to install plugin , download to server and activate. success. thanks