ISP Config can not authenticate FTP Users

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Vasile Burca, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Vasile Burca

    Vasile Burca New Member

    I have a fresh install of ISP Config 3.1.8 on Debian 9. After creating a user in the FTP Users section I can not authenticate via FTP using FileZilla as Client Software.
    - user created successfully (i even checked ispconfig DB under ftp_user)
    - i can login as root (so i presume PureFtpd is working)

    Can some body please help with the issue (I already tried pretty much everything i could dig up on this Forum )
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you are logging in with SFTP (this is SSH and not FTP) and not FTP or FTPS (FTP over TLS). A root user can not login by FTP (but can login by SSH / SFTP), so when root login is working, then you use SFTP and not FTP. Switch your FTP program to use FTPS or FTP and not SFTP.
  3. Vasile Burca

    Vasile Burca New Member

    Yes i am using SFTP
    Status: Connecting to ...
    Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
    Command: open "" 22
    Command: Pass: *************
    Error: Authentication failed.
    Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server
    Status: Disconnected from server
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And that's the reason for your error, SFTP is not FTP, it is SSH. Switch your client to use FTPS instead. When you want to use SFTP, then you have to create an SSH user without jail as SFTP is SSH.
    Vasile Burca likes this.
  5. Vasile Burca

    Vasile Burca New Member

    Thank you everything worked.

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