Hi folks , I have bought a dedicated server with suse 9.3 installed. Now i want to insatll ISPConfig on it. ISP Config installation document says about some prerequistic requirements before install the ispconfig . (i.e. ISPConfig Requirements Apache Webserver version 1.3.12 or later / 2.0.40 or later Sendmail or Postfix Procmail Quota Package ProFTP as standalone version or vsftpd as inetd/xinetd/standalone version PHP 4.0.5 or newer as Apache module MySQL data base a POP3/IMAP daemon that supports either the traditional Unix-Mailbox format (e.g. gnu-pop3d, qpopper, ipop3d, popa3d or vm-pop3d) or the Maildir format (e.g. Courier-Imap) OpenSSL and mod_ssl for the creation of SSL virtual hosts BIND8 / BIND9 iptables or ipchains ) Do we also need to configure the above mentioned requiremnts before install the ISP panel. OR Is it enough to have a only installation of above softwares ? Thx in advance, gim
For ISPConfig it's enough to have them installed, however you have to configure some of them if you want to use them, e.g. quota and Postfix (-> SMTP-AUTH). You should have a look at the "Perfect Setup" for SuSE 9.3: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_suse_9.3
May i know , how can i verify the Quota packahe has installed and configured successfully ? When i checked the availability of the Quota packge (using whereis quota) , i got nothing . Further , since i have received preconfigured machine from the provider , how can i verify necessary softwares for ISP Panel has been /installed configued properly ? Thx very much for u r help .
Run: yast -i quota This will either tell you that quota is already installed or install the quota package. Then have a look in /etc/fstab if there where partitions with the option: ,usrquota,grpquota If quota is not installed, i recommend to have a look at this howto http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_suse_9.3 and do the steps on page 4 describing the quota installation. You can run the iSPConfig installer, it will complain if pacakges where missing and then test the available services (mail, web, dns) by adding a tet website and email accounts in ISPConfig. Or you have a look at this howto http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_suse_9.3 and compare the configuration described in the howto with your current setup.