ISP Config (LDAP + Zarafa) - Development

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by diegoaltheman, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. diegoaltheman

    diegoaltheman New Member

    I am developing some plugins to integrate Zarafa, ISPconfig and Ldap. I already have a part ready (Creation / Maintenance User). I wonder how do I submit this to the plugin developers ISPconfig and is of interest to the community to help maintain it.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    How did you implement this functionality? As server side plugins?

    To submit your code to ISPConfig SVN, please send a email to dev [at] ispconfig [dot] org and request a svn developer login.
  3. diegoaltheman

    diegoaltheman New Member

    I made server side plugin . For now only Mailbox is developed. We are working to create zarafa-companies,Alias,Forwards,Auto-responds, etc..

    But this part is only possible to use it already, leaving the integrated postfix with mysql yet.

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