ISP Multi Server doubt

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Gaston Girardi, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. Gaston Girardi

    Gaston Girardi Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hello everyone, hope all of you are doing well.

    I have a doubt and i would appreciate your suggestions, my case is the following:

    I have the perfect server debian 10 installation, but now i need to have 3 big systems working from some subdomains, this systems will consume a good amount of resources and my generate conflicts with the emails, web and everything working on the actual server, so i was thing on put a second server for this subdomains, but i want that this new server has the same domain as the first one, and also be managed by it, is this possible?, because this new server should had BD server, files, and webs, right?.

    So what's your recommendation?.
  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Let me get you right first and ask few questions to get to it. You already have a perfect server (Debian 10) but you need to extend it to other new server because it already consumed too much of its resources, right?

    Then, you want to build other perfect server that have DB, file and web server and transfer the domain you in current server to this new server, right?

    If that is so, it sounds like you need the Migration Tool to do that.

    Another guess is you need redundancy, high availability and load balancing for the first server. Do read this if that is want you instead of the above:
  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Do you now have one server running ISPConfig? Is what you want to add a second server and put some websites there? The ISPConfig manual shows how to do a multiserver setup. There ia also tutorial on Howtoforge if you do not want to buy the manual.
    What does that mean?
    On multiserver ISPConfig setup, one host has the ISPConfig Panel and all servers are managed from that one panel.
  4. Gaston Girardi

    Gaston Girardi Member HowtoForge Supporter


    No, i don't want to transfer any the domains, just to point some subdomains, and locate all that is part of these in this new server, DBs and files, etc., so if anyone access those subdomains the server that does the work is the new, and doesn´t affect the main one.
  5. Gaston Girardi

    Gaston Girardi Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes to both questions.

    I have the manual but for some reason I refused to read it. :D About the tutorial i've read it now so about the question of the domain don't worry, because on the server we use the FQDN, so I can have and, and both have the "same domain".

    I get what you mean, but for what i understood from the the ISPConfig Perfect Multiserver setup on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10, you can have one server for DBs, one for files, one for dns, one for emails, and the mirrors of those (ns1, ns2, mx1,mx2), and so on.

    But what i want is that everything stay in the main server, but some subdomains with their files stay on the second (obvusly the apache that run those sites will be the one on the second server).

    For example, for the DBs I know that when you create the DB it is possible to select in which server is going to be, but for what i understood from the tutorial you can have one server for DBs not 2, am i right?:confused:
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
  6. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Then you just need to create new server and create those subdomains as websites in it.

    You can have / create as many DB servers as you want. There is no limits for that.
    Gaston Girardi likes this.
  7. Gaston Girardi

    Gaston Girardi Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Reading the ISPConfig Perfect Multiserver setup on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10, I thing i get i can have as many servers as i want or need.

    So when you suggest this:
    You mean i follow the ISPConfig Perfect Multiserver setup on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10, following the example of the installation for the point 3 (the web server), for this new one?.

    Of course respecting an applying only the previous steps that apply for the main server (Remote users, hostname, etc).
  8. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes. That should be the one.

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