Hi everyone, Good day to all.. I was wondering if it is possible to run apache, ftp, telnet, mail server,samba and DNS on the same linux (fedora 4) box? I managed to install F4 on the system curretnly configured with 2 NIC's eth0 : LAN IP eth1 : Static IP I have a valid domain name and a static IP provided by my service provider. lets assume that -------------------------------------------------------------------------- domain name : xxx.com.my ip of eth0 : aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa ip of eth1 : bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb subnet : ccc.ccc.ccc.ccc gateway : ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd DNS (provided by my ISP) ------------------------- NS1 : eee.eee.eee.eee NS1 : fff.fff.fff.fff steps that i took ------------------------- 1.) edited named.conf under /var/named/chroot/etc 2.) created 2 zones, respectively a forward as well as a reverse zone 3.) named the forward zone file as xxx.com.my.zone 4.) named the reverse zone file as 111-111-111.zone 5.) edited those newly created zone files under the /var/named/chroot/var/named 6.) issued the command > chkconfig named on 7.) issued the command > service named start The problem is that when i issued the nslookup on the forward zone, i seems to get the correct reply, when i issued the nslookup on the reverse zone am still getting the reply from my isp's dns server. Is this correct and is this how it is suppose to work? Am a little unsure about the DNS installation n configuration, i have attached a copy of my named.conf. forward zone file and also my reverse zone file. Am un able to receive any mail and unable to telnet to the SMTP port(25) Can someone pls check these files so that i can correct my mistake as well as learn something alien to me. thanks is advance guys.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) changed my /etc/resolv.conf as below domain xxx.com.my search xxx.com.my nameserver nameserver (LAN IP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.) added this portion to my named.conf zone "xxx.com.my" IN { type master; notify no; allow-query { any }; allow-update { none; }; file "xxx.com.my.zone"; }; zone "1.168.192.in-addr-arpa" IN { type master; notify no; allow-query { any }; allow-update { none; }; file "192-168-1.zone"; }; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) created the forward zone file as $TTL 3D @ IN SOA ns1.xxx.com.my. hostmaster.xxx.com.my. ( 2006022401 ; 3600; 3600; 3600; 3600) ; NS www ; xxx.com.my. MX 10 mail ; localhost A xxx.com.my. A bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb (External IP) ns1 CNAME xxx.com.my. www CNAME xxx.com.my. mail CNAME xxx.com.my. ftp CNAME xxx.com.my. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.) created the reverse zone file as $TTL 3D @ IN SOA www.xxx.com.my. hostmaster.xxx.com.my. ( 2006022401; 3600; 3600; 3600; 3600) ; NS www; 13 PTR bbb.bbb.bbb.bbb (External IP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- please do let me know about where i went wrong.. thanks a lot..