hi im doing ISP Server Setup - OpenSUSE 10 RC 1 behind a router and im receiving a static ip from my company. followed the tutorial verbatimbut for one part where i assigned my linux box a static ip in my router so the number is different. but it cant connect to the internet. i used my internet assigned gateway subnetmask and DNS numbers
thats what i did the first time but it didnt work. will try again for the heck of it. one sec... wheeeeee it worked!! thanks alot! stay tuned for part 2 -edit- i think it didnt work the first time because the first time i just made my dns numbers up
ok new problem i logged into the server successfully and im trying to do the first step on page 4 but chkconfig is a bad command according to the console. i'm a linux newb sorry. what do i do?
OK back again.. having an issue with quota managed to get it installed but when i type /etc/fstab i get a message saying not permitted to do that. i am logged in as root as well using the su command you told me to use earlier. here is a snippet of the peice im following. im guessing that i just need to learn how to edit Quota yast -i quota Edit /etc/fstab to look like.... -edit- is that something i have to edit in yast?
You should be logged in as root on the shell, and you should use an editor like vi, pico or nano to edit /etc/fstab. Don't use one of those desktop text editors.
Can you run the command Code: whoami to see as which user you're logged in? Also, can you post the output of Code: ls -l /etc/fstab ?
whoami shows me as root the other says -rw-r--r-- l root root 788 2005-10-10 20:01 /etc/fstab whats all that mean? im guessing 10-10 is when i installed? gotta go to work be back later thanks for your help!!
rw-r--r-- are the permissions for the owner, the group and the others. r means read, w means write, and x means execute. root root means the file is owned by the user group and the group root. 788 is the file size in bytes. 2005-10-10 20:01 is the date when the file was last modified. Which editor do you use for editing /etc/fstab?
what im trying to say is im a total new and dont even know any of this stuff im just learning as i go along.
I guess you just typed in /etc/fstab on the shell, right? This doesn't work. You have to use an editor like vi to open the file and edit it. E.g., Code: vi /etc/fstab will open /etc/fstab in the editor vi. Read how to use vi here: http://www.rru.com/~meo/useful/vi/vi.intro.html If this is too complicated, you could use WinSCP to copy the file to your Windows machine and edit it there (but make sure to save the file with Unix linebreaks!).
could i do all of this stuff with the gui enabled?? is there a specific reason besides resiurces i guess that you want it to run text only? can i log in after a reboot in text only mode if i install a gui?
You can open a shell window in your desktop environment. In that window type Code: su and then root's password, that will make you root, and then run Code: vi /etc/fstab