ISPC manuals

Discussion in 'General' started by lano, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. lano

    lano Member

    Dear Falko and Till,

    I just saw, that you published ISPC manuals and I made Howtoforge subscriptions and download file (yes, I am not very often here).
    I did take my time and go through manuals and I found out, that there is nothing written, that I wouldn't figure it out without manuals.
    That means, that ISPC is so simple, and yet powerful, that system administrators with base knowledge can administer their servers with ease.

    One more thing I noticed in that manuals. You wrote manuals, not only how to use ISPC, but you also explained terms like DNS records, Apache basics and many more. In facts, it is explained so well, that one can use copy/paste to answer questions to noobs on almost every tech forum. Even some school teachers could use that to explain some basics to their students :)

    Fact is, that I paid 5€ for manuals which is worthed at least x5.
    Since I am making profit with ISPC, I will definitely support your work even further with subscription and donations.

    So, thanks again and keep up the good work!

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