ispcfg3 and mod_fcgid or mod_fastcgi

Discussion in 'General' started by Ovidiu, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. Ovidiu

    Ovidiu Active Member

    I was reading up on how to spead up certain apache related thigns and stumbled upon a couple of pages dealing with these two. it seems to me ispcfg3 is using mod_fcgid, right?

    I was reading up on using an opcode cache with fastcgi and found this statement.

    that is the reason why I am asking the above question. here is a link to the original article in case anyone is interested: and here is another link dealing with children, managed by apache2 or php:

    forgot to add I am running a server setup according to the Debian perfect serer set up with ispcfg3
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010

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