ispconfi welcome message

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by stefanr, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. stefanr

    stefanr Member


    i install the ispconfig tool on my debian sarge 3.1, with phpmyadmin, webmail etc.
    All things works fine, but when i add a new user or a new website under ISP Manager -> new User, the default welcome message what i define under
    Admin -> Server -> Konfig -> Other does not send. I get no message in /var/log/mail.log or anywhere else.

    please can someone help me with this "little" problem? :)


    happy new year

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you create the new customer under a reseller or under the ISPConfig admin?
    Also, did you fill out the customer's email field? Otherwise no mail will be sent.
  3. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    Thanks for you fast replay...
    Yes i creat a reseller.. and under this reseller i creat a user account, and under this user i creat a website. But this all i do as admin in the ispconfig.
    The customer email field was filled with a emailadress which not supportet on the ispconfig tool. (like, eg.)
    I define the default welcome message as bcc to [email protected] this email goes to my email adress. On this email i recieve two emails.. but at this time i got no emails more from the "[email protected]"

    so far...
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You have to create a welcome message for the reseller on the Options tab of the reseller.
    If you create a customer under a reseller, the customer will receive the welcome message of the reseller (if available).
    If you create a customer under the admin, the customer will receive the welcome message of the admin.
  5. stefanr

    stefanr Member


    oh no.... I'm so stupid ...thanks a lot for your help.

    I fixed that Problem, and my ispconfig works very well.

    with best regards


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