Greetings to all, thanks for this great software. I've been using it for more than a year with great stability and performance ! The issue of this email is than on my last update i faced 2 issues : 1) I have changed the default port of ispconfig from 81 to i.e. 938 . After the update the port changed back to 81. In the case of update can the script check for this and keep the current one ? 2) I manually changed the virtual hosting file Vhosts_ispconfig.conf, but after the update the file was switched back to a previous version. Is the file info saved to the db ? Thank you for your reply ... Regards and Best Wishes for the New Year ... Leonidas
Thats no bug. 1) If you change the httpd.conf file manually, you will have to do this after a update again. 2) You will have to create a folder /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/customized_templates and put your changed Vhosts_ispconfig.conf template there if it shall not be overwritten by the installer.