ISPConfig 2.2.38 and awstats with error 440

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by buhler, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. buhler

    buhler Member

    I updated ISPConfig 2.2.37 to 2.2.38 awstats stopped showing the internal links as: Full list / Versions, Full list, IP address not resolved and so on.
    I get an error 440.
    The link is opened this way:
    Note that the lack awstats.www, would read:
    Where do I fix this in the configuration files?

    Alexandre Pereira Bühler
    Técnico Eletroeletrônica - Senai - MG
    Linux User: 397.546
    Liberdade é essencial. Use GNU/Linux.
    Legalize os softwares de sua empresa

    Simão & Bühler Ltda (Infobrindes)
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    Infobrindes (Simão & Bühler Ltda)
    Brindes e material promocional.
    [email protected]
    Telefone: (41) 3532-5428
  2. marpoly

    marpoly New Member

    any solution?

    I have the same problem. When I click on the awstats main generated page on the link "full list" a get a 404 not found error page

    Main page:

    the link for any "full list" is:

    but the generated page is:
    This happens to all links of the main page
    can i fix it?
    Any solution?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2012
  3. buhler

    buhler Member

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2012
  4. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

    Yes, I added a patch for this into SVN, as the AWStats maintainer does not seem to want to fix this bug. So this should be solved in the next ISPConfig 2 release, if there will be one.

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