ISPConfig 2.2.38 is available for download

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 2.2.38 is available for download.

    This ISPConfig release adds support for new Linux versions, updates PHP and fixes several bugs.

    Detailed Changelog

    - Updated PHP to 5.2.17
    - Updated OpenSSL to 0.9.8r
    - Updated ClamAV to 0.97
    - Updated awstats to 7.0
    - Added support for Russian domain names in the DNS Manager (see
    - Corrected some spelling errors in french translation
    - Fixed bug FS#968 (
    - bug FS#990 (
    - Added check in order to be able to manipulate co-domains from remoting framework.
    - Fixed a problem with FTP restarts.
    - Fixed a problem with deleting files in webFTP.

    Changed system requirements

    This release requires that you have these two new perl modules installed on your system: NetAddr::IP and Archive::Tar

    Installation instructions for the new perl modules:

    Debian 5.0 and newer Ubuntu releases:

    apt-get install libnetaddr-ip-perl libarchive-tar-perl

    For Debian 4.0 and older Ubuntu releases, please read this thread:


    yum install perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Archive-Tar


    yast -i perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Archive-Tar


    urpmi perl-NetAddr-IP perl-Archive-Tar

    CentOS 5.x (x86_64):

    yum install perl-Archive-Tar
    rpm -ivh

    CentOS 5.x (i386):

    yum install perl-Archive-Tar
    rpm -ivh

    CentOS 4.x (x86_64):

    yum install perl-Archive-Tar
    rpm -ivh

    CentOS 4.x (i386):

    yum install perl-Archive-Tar
    rpm -ivh"

    - Important -

    The Apache 1.3.41 bundled with ISPConfig might need a change in the stdio.h file of
    your Linux distribution to compile correctly. This change is described in the "Perfect
    Server" tutorials and is only needed for newer Linux versions. If you have not modified
    the stdio.h file as you installed ISPConfig, then it might be nescessary to do it
    before you install the update or the update might fail.

    Debian 5.0: No change needed.
    CentOS 5.5: No change needed.
    Fedora 13, see chapter 16:
    OpenSuSE 11.x, see chapter 17:
    Ubuntu 10.4, see chapter 22:

    If you are unsure if your linux version is affected, please take a look into the
    ISPConfig 2 "Perfect Server" guide for the Linux distribution you use.



    Installation Instructions

    Download the ISPConfig-2.2.38.tar.gz from

    Installation on the shell as root user:

    tar xvfz ISPConfig-2.2.38.tar.gz
    cd install_ispconfig

    The installer automatically detects the installed ISPConfig version and
    performs an update.
  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Thank you.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    In addition to the above changelog, this release also adds support for OpenSUSE 11.4 (previous ISPConfig 2 versions won't build on OpenSUSE 11.4).

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