ISPConfig 2.3.3-dev released

Discussion in 'General' started by till, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 2.3.3-dev is available for download.

    This ISPConfig release adds support for Fedora 7 and translations for Greek and Romainian language. Many functions and packages were updated and enhanced.

    *** IMPORTANT!!! ***

    This is a development version which may be unstable. DO NOT USE IT ON PRODUCTION SYSTEMS!
    YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Using the development versions and updating from a stable version to a development version may lead to errors. The purpose of the development versions is to implement and test new features that might later be implemented into the stable branch.

    ISPConfig development versions have odd version numbers, like 2.3.x, 2.5.x, 2.7.x and so on. Stable ISPConfig versions have even version numbers, like 2.2.x, 2.4.x, etc. The current stable ISPConfig version for use on production systems is 2.2.17.


    Detailed Changelog ISPConfig 2.3.2 => 2.3.3

    If you currently use a version from the ISPConfig stable branch, then all bugfixes listed below are already fixed in the stable versions, too, and some of the new features are already integrated in the stable branch. The list below reflects all changes in the development branch since version 2.3.2.

    - Added: Romanian translation.
    - Added: Support for Fedora 7.
    - Added: Greek translation.
    - Added: Brute-force detection to prevent someone from brute-forcing the login.
    - Added: Round Robin DNS now possible.
    - Added: /etc/Bastille/firewall.d/ will be kept during updates.
    - Added: Default SPF records.
    - Added: The installer saves the old SSL certificate when ISPConfig is updated.
    - Added: FQDNs are now shown in the traffic statistics so that it is possible to differentiate between,,, etc.
    - Added: Function to prevent clients from changing or deleting their Co-Domains.
    - Added: The ISPConfig startup script creates the /var/lock/subsys directory now automatically for the bastille filrewall.
    - Added: Symlink .user_prefs file to .spamassassin/user_prefs.
    - Added: Custom templates can now be stored.

    - Updated: Dutch translation.
    - Updated: English translation.
    - Updated: PHP to 5.2.4.
    - Updated: ClamAV to 0.91.2.
    - Updated: SpamAssassin to 3.2.3.
    - Updated: Awstats to 6.7.
    - Updated: Apache to 1.3.39.
    - Updated: mod_ssl to 2.8.30-1.3.39.

    - Bugfix: Fixed bugs in the trouble ticket system.
    - Bugfix: Some bugfixes regarding default MX records.
    - Bugfix: when a user is updated, it isn't removed from groups with a GID < min. ISPConfig GID anymore.
    - Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the reseller statistics module.
    - Bugfix: If you move a web site from one customer to the other, and you delete the old owner (customer) of the web site, the web site isn't deleted anymore.
    - Bugfix: Changed regular expression for email addresses (welcome messages for resellers and customers) to better match RFC 2822.
    - Bugfix: Fixed emails sent out by ISPConfig (welcome messages, support tickets) so that they don't show email headers in the body.
    - Bugfix: Fixed a bug where backslashes were removed from the Apache Directives field.
    - Bugfix: Changed data column of session table to mediumtext.
    - Bugfix: Allow usernames to start with a number.
    - Bugfix: Fixed a bug where the httpd daemon was not restarted when an SSL certificate was updated.
    - Bugfix: All IP addresses in ISPConfig are now configured as NameVirtualHost.
    - Bugfix: Added a missing "No_javascript" error message file.
    - Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the location of the mysql.sock file in the SSH chroot creation script.
    - Bugfix: AWStats now generates an index.html file instead of an index.php
    - Bugfix: Remoting Framework: Fix for a case where $method_response is a soap_fault and causes an error.
    - Bugfix: Several Bugsfixes from 2.2.17 ported to dev version.
    - Bugfix: Fixed typo in Greek translation.



    Installation Instructions

    Download the ISPConfig-2.3.3-dev.tar.gz from

    Installation on the shell as root user:

    tar xvfz ISPConfig-2.3.3-dev.tar.gz
    cd install_ispconfig

    The installer automatically detects the installed ISPConfig version and performs an update.
  2. minimalist

    minimalist Member

    SPF records and SSL saving are really good news, hope the next stable will have them.
    Fantastic improvements! Keep up the good work!
  3. Snowman

    Snowman Member


    so it means i can start creating my custom template ? if yes , it is great improvement!
  4. the_spy

    the_spy New Member

    as far as I known, these changes (custom templates, ssl, spf records) are already in the stable branch
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, you must put your custom templates in the folder /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/customized_templates.

    That's right.
  6. minimalist

    minimalist Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong but even the latest update .17 broke our SSL certificate.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What do you mean with "broke our SSL certificate"? The SSL Cert and key for the webserver on port 81 is coped to a safe location before the update and is restored afterwards from this location.
  8. minimalist

    minimalist Member

    Yes it does that but after every update we have to manually update the httpd.conf to include also the bundle certificate.
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, I added this as feature request to the bugtracker.
  10. satyannair

    satyannair New Member

    Ubuntu 7.10 not supported

    install_ispconfig# ./setup
    Debian lenny/sid.0
    ERROR: Ihr Betriebssystem wird nicht unterstützt! / Your operating system is not supported! / Votre systeme d'exploitation n'est pas supporté!

    i have the stable version installed i.e 2.2.21

    am i the only one getting this error?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats correct, Ubuntu 7.10 is not supported by the dev version, but its suppoerted by the stable version. Please be aware that the dev version should not be used in production enviroments.

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