Ispconfig 2.3.4 dev + remote plugin on deb etch

Discussion in 'General' started by leegrears, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. leegrears

    leegrears New Member

    Hello people, I've trawlled the forums for over two days now looking for a fix.

    I have debian 4.0 (etch) clean install and have installed ispconfig dev latest and remote plugin beta 4.1 again latest.

    When I make a test script such as the one on the forums autosignup.php and run it, fill the info thats requested such as name domain name email etc then click send it all seems well.

    Until i go in admin or login with the username just setup it doesnt appear too have added any domain name, ftp or dns entry.

    I was wondering if a different script is required for the latest dev versions. You can see in action at

    I'm willing to pay to get this working now as I really have tried my hardest.

    Thanks in advance
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  2. leegrears

    leegrears New Member

    A quick update, using the test script provided im able to add everything from resellers to dns. The only thing that wont upload is adding a website.

    So i'm inclined to think there isnt a problem with soap or ispconfig, i think it could be either remote pluggin or this test script below


    * ISPConfig Soap Connector
    * Version 1.3
    * (c) Projektfarm GmbH 2005
    * This script requires PHP with CURL extension


    // Insert here your 42go Server
    $server_url "";

    // creating object for soap_client
    $soap_client = new soap_client($server_url.'/remote/index.php');

    // Username and Password of the remoting user (not identical
    // with the user to log into the web interface!)

    $parameters = array('user' => 'leegrears',
    'pass' =>  'evan');

    // Login into 42go Server
    $session_id $soap_client->call('login',$parameters);

    // Error Check
    if($err $soap_client->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);

    // Adding a Web
    $params = array (         'sid'        => $session_id,
    'module'         => 'web',
    'function'         => 'web_add',
    'params'        => array (         kunde_title => 'reseller1'// reseller_title or reseller_group
    web_title => '',
    web_host => 'www',
    web_domain => '',
    web_ip => '',
    web_speicher => '100'// MB
    web_dns => 0,
    web_userlimit => 5,
    web_domainlimit => 2,
    web_shell => 0,
    web_cgi => 1,
    web_standard_cgi => 1,
    web_php => 1,
    web_php_safe_mode => 1,
    web_ssi => 1,
    web_ftp => 1,
    web_frontpage => 0,
    web_mysql => 1,
    web_mysql_anzahl_dbs => 5,
    web_ssl => 0,
    web_anonftp => 0,
    web_anonftplimit => 0,
    web_wap => 1,
    web_individual_error_pages => 1

    $web_id $soap_client->call('service',$params);
    $err $soap_client->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);

    // 42go Server logout
    $soap_client->call('logout',array('sid' => $session_id));

    // Error Check
    if($err $soap_client->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);

    "<br>Script end ...";
    All I get is the script end.

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