ISPConfig 2 on new Fedora 16 server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by rrijken, Feb 7, 2012.

  1. rrijken

    rrijken New Member

    Installed Fedora 16 on a new server and would like to use ISPConfig 2 (used it before), but during setup it gives the error MYSQL init script missing and dumps me at the comman prompt. How do I get round this init script error?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Fedora 16 is not supported by ISPConfig 2 and it will most likely not be supported in future as the ISPConfig 2 development has stopped in favor of ISPConfig 3. I recommend to not install ISPConfig 2 on new servers and use ISPConfig 3 instead.

    It might be possible to get around the installation problems by modifying the ispconfig sources, but I dont recommend that as there wont be updates available for ISPConfig 2.

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