ISPConfig 2 problems creating new sites

Discussion in 'General' started by estebanmora, May 16, 2009.

  1. estebanmora

    estebanmora New Member


    I have my own server at home. I used a fixed IP, so I can have my own DNSs, which are resolving fine. By the way, I setup ISPConfig following the instructions on HowtoForge using Ubuntu. It was working fine.

    But suddenly, every time I create a new site, ISPConfig creates all the files and folders correctly but when I type the domain in my browser, what I see is the directory listing of the server instead of the folder where my site should be. It is like that the domain is resolving a couple of folders up insted of resolving in the right folder. I don't know what to do.

    Can someone help me please?

    Esteban Mora
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please make sure that you added the ip of your server to the ip list in ispconfig and then select this IP for the website that you created.

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