ispconfig 2.x apache2 crashing every Sunday morning

Discussion in 'General' started by KenKnight, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. KenKnight

    KenKnight Member

    Hi all,

    Trying to figure out how to test this theory, however, from what I have been able to find this appears to be related to logrotate, however, if I can't find any messages in log that explicitly state it was unable to restart for whatever reason. What is happening is that every Sunday about 6:30am or so, apache2 crashes or stops working.

    I've looked through the messages.log and, syslog, and apache2 error logs to no avail.

    Does anybody have any suggestions on the best way to test this theory. I have tried executing logrotate when logged in as the root user and everything appears to be operating normally.

    Any suggestions would be greatly apprecitated.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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