ISPConfig Alpha Released

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by till, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The third alpha version of ISPconfig 3 is available for download. This release is for testing only
    and to show you the progress in ISPconfig 3, it is not for production use.

    The software itself can be downloaded here:

    ISPConfig Alpha is also available as ready to run VMWare virtual
    machine based on Debian Linux.

    Download of the VMWare image: (462 MB)

    When you run the vmware image the fisrt time you will be asked to kkep
    or create a MAC address. Select "keep", otherwise the networking wont work.

    The root password is set to "ispconfig" in the VM, the IP address is and has to be reconfigured in /etc/network/interfaces
    to meet your network requirements. The ISPconfig Interface login is:

    User = admin
    Password = admin.


    - New: DNS-Management module
    - New: SSH Users
    - New: SSL Certificate generation (SSL websites)
    - New: Website statistics with webalizer
    - New: Postfix relay domains and transports
    - New: Support for Ubuntu 7.10
    - New: Installation instructions for Debian 4.0 and Ubuntu 7.10 as text files in the tar.gz file

    And many bugfixes and a code cleanup.

    For a detailed cahngelog, please have a look at the SVN history with a SVN client of your choice:


    Known Issues:

    - Changing the domain of a existing website will not remove the config files for the old domain.
    - Moving a website from one client to another client causes various problems with path's
    - Changing the domain of a mailbox will not move the mailbox files (already received emails) to the new location.

    Supported Linux Distributions
    - Debian Etch (4.0).
    - Ubuntu 7.10


    The installation instructions for ISPConfig on Debian and Ubuntu can be found
    in the text files INSTALL_DEBIAN.txt and INSTALL_UBUNTU.txt which are inside
    the ISPConfig_3.0.0.3-alpha.tar.gz file.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2007
  2. satommy

    satommy New Member

    Looks good

    Hey Till,

    Thnx for the next release. I have 1 addition, and 1 questions.

    If you remove "/etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules" from the virtual machine (maybe for next time), you don't have to keep the mac adress anymore. This file keeps record of the mac adress and hangs is to an interface, this is only valid for real machines, so not needed on a virtual machine.

    The question I have is about a new function. In version 2 of ispconfig you could make a new table in mysql from within the webinterface for a website. A username and password were given then. Will this be possible in ispconfig3 as well?

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thanks for the hint. I did'nt know that :)

    This is planned, but not implemented yet.

  4. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    I encountered two problems when just trying to look behind the tabs of E-Mail -> Email box -> Add as well as Sites -> Add Domain.

    To see the other tabs I had to fill the mandatory fields, e.g. domain name. After clicking to the next tab, then leaving this mask to any other, and going back to e.g. domain overview or mailbox overview, the domains was already added, so its just the same as clicking the add button.

    Then I got a question regarding the domainmanagement. In the design right now, it looks like "web" Domains and E-Mail Domains are comletely split. Will there be central Management, such like a "Domainpool" that can be used, depending on which group / user such pool is assigned to, so that the user has a central list of all his domains no matter if he is creating a mailbox or a website?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, every tab is saved when you change to the next tab. Its the same in ISPConfig 2. I dont see this as a problem as I personally like this behaviour.

    We can add such a overview list. This is splitted in ISPConfig 3 as every module is generally independant and many users had complained about ISPConfig 2 that the email function was a prt of the website. ISPconfig 3 can be used as pure mailserver backend just by disabling the other modules in the user settings.

    My idea is to add some kind of whizards for fast creation of web, dns and mail with one click where you just have to enter the domain anme and select the client.
  6. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    @Till: That's why I was asking for a central Domain management, independent of mail, web or whatever. But that list shall then be centralized for functions / modules, making use of these domains. That would also help in the rightmanagement. Because you have to only add a (or n) domains to a user / group once, and can check this on another module via a central domain mangement.
    Everything else you be illogic in my eyes, because simply == no matter if it is used for email or for web.
    But for sure the rightmanagement must be different if it should also take care of consellations like a user is able to use a domain for web but not for email, cause for email another user shall have the rights on that domain....

    I attached and image in hope that explains the way I mean to splitt domainmanagement from the rest.

    Attached Files:

    • rel.jpg
      File size:
      48.5 KB
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2007
  7. satommy

    satommy New Member

    Hey Guys,

    Does anyone know a good way to update between the different versions. So I install the system once, and when there is a new alpha, can i simply upgrade? Or maybe a good way to remove the old version first.

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    To update your installation from SVN, execute the following commands on the shell as root user:

    cd /tmp
    svn export svn://
    cd trunk/install
    php -q update.php

    To update to a version that we relaesed as tar.gz:

    1) Download the tar.gz and unpack it.

    cd ispconfig3_install/install/
    php -q update.php
  9. satommy

    satommy New Member


    Thnx for the upgrade commands.

    Furtheon, i saw that some of the log files are not readable. Mail.log, messages, en the clamav logs. I found that the problem lies within the rights. Bij editing the clamav logrotate.d files, and creating 2 logrotate files for mail.log and messages, we can override the standard value, and make sure they are readable.

    Do you think this is a good solution? or anybody has a better way?

  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I think its a good solution. Maybe we cann add some code to the installer that modifies the logrotate code automatically and changes the permissions of the files during installation, so thay are visible even before the next logrotate cycle.
  11. satommy

    satommy New Member

    ok, I will check into the logrotate scripts, and make sure that we keep al the values standard, and just the permissions different. I will make the files nessecary , and then you can implement it into the script if you want, cause I don;t understand any of the installer ;-)
  12. satommy

    satommy New Member


    This is how I think it could work:

    We create two new files in /etc/logrotate.d/ :


    These files:


    /var/log/mail.log {
    rotate 30
    create 644 root adm


    /var/log/messages {
    rotate 30
    create 644 root adm


    Ok, the rotate setting means how many files he has to keep, 30 files, en daily rotated, so he will keep up for a month.

    Further on I took the clamav logrotate files and edit the rights.:



    /var/log/clamav/clamav.log {
    rotate 12
    create 644 clamav adm
    /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon reload-log > /dev/null


    /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log {
    rotate 12
    create 644 clamav adm
    /etc/init.d/clamav-freshclam reload-log > /dev/null


    We could just let these files be replaced by the installer.

    For chmodding the first log files, so before the logrotate run the first time:

    chmod 644 /var/log/mail.log
    chmod 644 /var/log/messages
    chmod 644 /var/log/clamav/*.log

    After these additions I can succesfully read all the log files in the webconfig :)
  13. pedro_morgan

    pedro_morgan New Member

    documentation and isntall log

    I dont know if this is possible but what I would like is a "text-screen" dump of the whole "install" process so I can take "text snippets" and stick it in the documentation.
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This should be no problem. I will try to make some when I do the next full install.Or maybe someone else may provide them when he does a instalation? :D
  15. bpssoft

    bpssoft Banned

    For a clean installation?
  16. satommy

    satommy New Member

    In addition to this:

    the mail logrotate file needs to be different.


    /etc/logrotate.d/mail :

    /var/log/mail.log {
    rotate 30
    create 644 root adm

    /var/log/mail.err {
    rotate 30
    create 644 root adm

    /var/log/ {
    rotate 6
    create 644 root adm

    /var/log/mail.warn {
    rotate 6
    create 644 root adm

    We also need to disable some lines in the /etc/logrotate.conf.

    We can do this with the following commands:


    sed 's/mail\.\*\t/#mail\.\*\t/' /etc/syslog.conf | sed 's/mail\.info\t/#mail\.info\t/' | sed 's/mail\.warn\t/#mail\.warn\t/' | sed 's/mail\.err\t/#mail\.err\t/' > /etc/syslog.tmp


    mv -f /etc/syslog.tmp /etc/syslog.conf


    So this should do the final trick :)

    Gr. Tommy
  17. pedro_morgan

    pedro_morgan New Member

  18. satommy

    satommy New Member


    After testing the above solutions for a couple of days it seems the log files get corrupted, so please do not include this. I am working on a working solution ;-)


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