ISPConfig and MyDNSConfig 3.0.1

Discussion in 'General' started by polonia2, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. polonia2

    polonia2 New Member

    Hello all,

    I follow The perfect server tutorial for CentOS 5.5 x64 but i need to change some things because i need php 5.2.10.

    I try to install the lastest version of MyDNSConfig (since the ISPConfig said that the service was offline) so i download and try php -q install.php

    __ __ _____ _ _ _____ _____ __ _
    | \/ | | __ \| \ | |/ ____|/ ____| / _(_)
    | \ / |_ _| | | | \| | (___ | | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _
    | |\/| | | | | | | | . ` |\___ \| | / _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` |
    | | | | |_| | |__| | |\ |____) | |___| (_) | | | | | | | (_| |
    |_| |_|\__, |_____/|_| \_|_____/ \_____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |
    __/ | __/ |
    |___/ |___/

    >> Initial configuration

    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: distver in /root/mydnsconfig/install/lib/install.lib.php on line 135
    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: distid in /root/mydnsconfig/install/lib/install.lib.php on line 135
    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: distbaseid in /root/mydnsconfig/install/lib/install.lib.php on line 135
    Linux Distribution or Version not recognized.

    Did anyone face this error? How do i correct the installation?


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Use ISPConfig and not mydnsconfig. Mydnsconfig is just the dns module and not even the latest version, so it makes no sense to install it on a ispconfig server, it will just mess up your setup.

    If ispconfig says that the service is offline, then mydns is not running. to fix this, just start mydns.

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