ISPConfig Bug or feature :-)

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by dgmufasa, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. dgmufasa

    dgmufasa New Member

    Hello all,

    I am using the ISPConfig API (with PHP). I was able to run it pretty well until I had hit this issue.

    I am getting the following error when trying to add web domain to the system: session_does_not_existThe Session is expired or does not exist.

    Below are the code and inputs.

    Does anyone out there know why this is taking place or what one can do to troubleshoot it further?


    The output

    Logged successfull. Session ID:b375a638d8c5bc20baee88750c6711a1

    Session ID set is: b375a638d8c5bc20baee88750c6711a1

    The items passed in
    Array ( [server_id] => 1 [ip_address] => * [domain] => [type] => vhost [parent_domain_id] => 0 [vhost_type] => name [document_root] => /var/www/clients/client41/web123 [system_user] => web123 [system_group] => client41 [hd_quota] => 100000 [traffic_quota] => -1 [cgi] => y [ssi] => y [suexec] => y [errordocs] => 1 [is_subdomainwww] => 1 [subdomain] => www
     => fast-cgi [ruby] => [redirect_type] => [redirect_path] => [ssl] => [ssl_state] => [ssl_locality] => [ssl_organisation] => [ssl_organisation_unit] => [ssl_country] => [ssl_domain] => [ssl_request] => [ssl_cert] => [ssl_bundle] => [ssl_action] => [stats_password] => [stats_type] => webalizer [allow_override] => All [apache_directives] => [php_open_basedir] => /var/www/clients/client41/web123/web:/var/www/clients/client41/web123/tmp:/var/www/ [custom_php_ini] => [backup_interval] => none [backup_copies] => [active] => [traffic_quota_lock] => 

        public function 
    $inlinuxuser$webrootdir$injoomlaid$indomname ){
            try {
    $affected_rows = -999999;
                if  ( !( 
    $inrecclientid and $inrecclientid 9999 ) ) {
    "=> ERROR: Invalid client id: $inrecclientid was passed into function. Check the system");
    $wlinuxgroup     "client" $inrecclientid;            
    $wlinuxuser      "web" $injoomlaid;
    $wsetroot         $webrootdir "/" $wlinuxgroup "/" $wlinuxuser;
    "=> Linux Group: $wlinuxgroup  Linux User: $wlinuxuser will be created <br />";
    $session_id $this -> ispclient->login($this -> ispcusername,
    $this -> ispcpassword)) {
    '<br />Logged successfull. Session ID:'.$session_id.'<br />';

    $params = array(
    'server_id'         => $inrecserverid,
    'ip_address'         => '*',
    'domain'             => $indomname,
    'type'                 => 'vhost',
    'parent_domain_id'     => 0,
    'vhost_type'         => 'name',
    'document_root'     => $wsetroot,
    'system_user'         => $wlinuxuser,
    'system_group'         => $wlinuxgroup,
    'hd_quota'             => 100000,
    'traffic_quota'     => -1,
    'cgi'                 => 'y',
    'ssi'                 => 'y',
    'suexec'             => 'y',
    'errordocs'         => 1,
    'is_subdomainwww'     => 1,
    'subdomain'         => 'www',
    'php'                 => 'fast-cgi',
    'ruby'                 => 'n',
    'redirect_type'     => '',
    'redirect_path'     => '',
    'ssl'                 => 'n',
    'ssl_state'         => '',
    'ssl_locality'         => '',
    'ssl_organisation'         => '',
    'ssl_organisation_unit' => '',
    'ssl_country'         => '',
    'ssl_domain'         => '',
    'ssl_request'         => '',
    'ssl_cert'             => '',
    'ssl_bundle'         => '',
    'ssl_action'         => '',
    'stats_password'     => '',
    'stats_type'         => 'webalizer',
    'allow_override'     => 'All',
    'apache_directives' => '',
    'php_open_basedir'     => "/var/www/clients/$wlinuxgroup/$wlinuxuser/web:/var/www/clients/$wlinuxgroup/$wlinuxuser/tmp:/var/www/",
    'custom_php_ini'     => '',
    'backup_interval'     => 'none',
    'backup_copies'     => 1,
    'active'             => 'y',
    'traffic_quota_lock' => 'n'
    $readonly false;
    "<br /> Session ID set is: $session_id <br />";
    "<br /> The items passed in <br /> ";
    $affected_rows $this -> ispclient -> sites_web_domain_add($inrecserverid$inrecclientid

    "Web Domain ID: ".$affected_rows."<br>";

    $this -> ispclient ->logout($session_id)) {
    'Logged out.<br />';
            } catch (
    SoapFault $e) {
    $this -> ispclient ->__getLastResponse();
    'SOAP Error ADD WEB DOMAIN: '.$e->getMessage());
  2. dgmufasa

    dgmufasa New Member

    Hi again,

    I found a solution in another thread and followed it. I still came up with an error.

    What could be the problem?


    => Linux Group: client42 Linux User: web123 will be created <br /><br />Logged successfull. Session ID:b76646bfa8c47375953830dba53b67b1<br /><br /> Session ID set is: b76646bfa8c47375953830dba53b67b1 <br /><br /> The items passed in <br /> Array
    [server_id] => 1
    [ip_address] => *
    [type] => vhost
    [vhost_type] => name
    [document_root] => /var/www/clients/client42/web123
    [system_user] => web123
    [system_group] => client42
    [domain] =>
    [traffic_quota] => -1
    [hd_quota] => -1
    [cgi] => y
    [ssi] => y
    [suexec] => y
    [errordocs] => y
    [subdomain] => none
     => fast-cgi
        [active] => y
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>session_does_not_exist</faultcode><faultstring>The Session is expired or does not exist.</faultstring></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    SOAP Error ADD WEB DOMAIN: The Session is expired or does not exist.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Every function in the API requires the session_id as first parameter as http is a stateless protocol. In your script you did not pass the session_id to the sites_web_domain_add function as first parameter.
  4. dgmufasa

    dgmufasa New Member

    Thanks so much for the response.

    I guess I am tired. I never saw the problem at all :eek:

    I have been making changes to the inputs. Here is the last one:

    The items passed in
    Array ( [server_id] => 1 [ip_address] => * [type] => vhost [vhost_type] => name [document_root] => /var/www/clients [system_user] => 49 [system_group] => 49 [domain] => [traffic_quota] => -1 [hd_quota] => -1 [cgi] => y [ssi] => y [suexec] => y [errordocs] => y [subdomain] => none
     => fast-cgi [active] => 

    Are these OK to use? I saw this other thread:

    Butat the same timeI am going off of what I had seen in the fields of the
    "web_domain" table.

    Any hints on this?

    Thanks again for pointing out such an interesting mistake :o

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