ISPConfig 3.0 Screenshots

Discussion in 'General' started by PoleCat, May 29, 2007.

  1. PoleCat

    PoleCat New Member

    Now that I have the attention of the Developers, and everyone else for that fact. We all know you guys are hard at work with ISPC 3.0, so whats the chances of sharing some screenshots with us of the new AJAX based version you guys are developing?

    I'm also hoping AJAX will speed up the interface and make it look much more polished.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is not much to see on a screenshot as the final interface theme has not been developed yet and new themes will be developed when everything else is working right before the final release.

    Nevertheless, attached is a screenshot of the development theme that I currently use. I plan to release a first alpha version of the ISPConfig 3 mail and client modules soon.

    Attached Files:

  3. PoleCat

    PoleCat New Member

    Looking pretty sweet. Much improved from the version 2 look. Thanks for sharing the screenshot till. ;) I cant wait for version 3. If the control panel looks more polished than the competition, then I'm sure to get more customers! :) Most clients think the better the interface looks the more advanced the service and hosting is.

    Post some more screenshots when you feel like sharing new sections of ISPC 3. :)
  4. bochenn

    bochenn New Member

    hi buddy, i want to offer my time to help you out on the interface of the new ispconfig. i know some of css but nothing of ajax.

    if you ever need anything just mail me.


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