ISPConfig 3.1.13p1 No WebGUI on restart Apache enabled

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by VantTech, Jun 7, 2019.

  1. VantTech

    VantTech New Member

    I'm Using Debian 9 with ISP Config 3.1.13p1 and my problem is that after any reboots I can no longer access the control panel login page at all. I use Apache and PHP7.0 on the server and it has 2 websites( one of them with WordPress installed through ISPConfig control panel). Only the control panel seems to be unavailable, all other services(Email, XMPP, etc.) continue to work including the two websites. Please help.
    Common issues report attached. I can see tha page loads and I think this might be a PHP issue since the page bode is blank but I can see the ssl certificate being applied. HEEEEELLLPPP!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2019
  2. VantTech

    VantTech New Member

    I found the problem at least for me was two things:
    I had to set the memory_limit at "etc---php---7.0---fpm---pool.d---www.conf" from 32M to -1 followed by apachectl restart and my login page came back up.
    I also needed a change in my "etc---fstab" config to properly mount and enable quotas( Unrelated)

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