ispconfig 3.1 on ubuntu 16.04 on virtual box

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Paul Hill, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Paul Hill

    Paul Hill Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi There
    I have server 2012 R2 on a spare server at work , it is a basic install running 2 Nics in a nic team .
    it has access to internet
    I have installed Virtual Box on it with no issues
    I have downloaded and installd your VM for ubuntu 16.04 isp config 3.1 and installed it into virtual box with no issues
    I had to change the keyboard map in ubuntu to english canadian
    I have virtual box running in bridged mode
    I changed the ip address on the ubuntu vm to run with the local router , switch setup that we base our network on .
    I have spent a few hours experimenting , I can log into Ubuntu and ping local host and it works , If i ping the VM's own ip i get network unreachable , if i ping the router i get the same thing .
    Is there more to setup in the VM other than ip address and passwords ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The whole network config is in the file /etc/network/interfaces file. There you can change IP address, netmask, network and gateway address. In the file /etc/resolv.conf you can change the DNS server IP addresses.
  3. Paul Hill

    Paul Hill Member HowtoForge Supporter

    HI Till
    I found out what it was , when the VM was downloaded the first time it booted with a single error , because of the speed at which it booted I was unable to read it . However turns out the error was that it failed to bring up the network .

    After hours of googling I found the reason why it doesn't work , the name of the interface in the interfaces file was ens33 , this was in contrast to what is listed if I execute "ifconfig -a" which lists it as enp0s17 , changing the name of the interface in the interfaces file to enp0s17 immediately fixed the issue and I had immediate access after a reboot .
    I'm assuming that was an Error in the VM I downloaded , maybe from doing an update to Ubuntu before distributing the VM as from what I read updating to 16.04 changes the interface name in the interfaces file to ens33 ( for whatever reason ) ?

    Anyway it is fixed and working thanks .
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thank you for posting your findings. I'll make a note in the vm import guide on that.

    The VM was setup on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 and works fine here, so there is no error in the VM and the problem can not related to an Ubuntu update from an older version as this was a fresh setup from ubuntu 16.04 install media. My guess is that the systemd daemon renamed the network device due to the use of a different virtualization system (I use VMWare to create the images here).
  5. Paul Hill

    Paul Hill Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Another thing Till , I downloaded the VM for 17.04 on the same platform , it has the same issue ;)
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, then the issue is caused by the use of systemd + virtualbox as I explained above. All virtual machines that you can download at howtoforge are made from fresh installed minimal systems, we never use any updated distribution images.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I just downloaded an imported the Ubuntu 16.04 image for a test now, the network works flawlessly here and the network card remains at ens33. I then installed the latest Ubuntu 16.04 updates and it still works without a problem. So it's definitely a problem of systemd renaming the network interface when a different virtual environment is used.

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