ISPConfig 3.2.9, Debian 11, Firewall issues?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mcisar, Jan 19, 2023.

  1. mcisar

    mcisar New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Just wondering if there are any known issues with the firewall config in ISPConfig 3.2.9 on Debian 11.
    I've started to build a multi-server setup using the "ISPConfig Perfect Multiserver setup on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10" tutorial. Everything seems to be going ok but when I get to configuring the firewall through ISPConfig it doesn't show any firewall configs for either of the two servers (panel and web) I've done so far but if I try to add a record it errors with "there is already a firewall record for this server" when I click save.
    For now I've just gone in from the command line and added/deleted rules as needed, but would be much nicer from the GUI :)

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Adding a firewall record works fine in 3.2.9, I just tested it. So there is no general issue but something related to your installation only.
  3. mcisar

    mcisar New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks Till, there seem to be a few little oddities between these two machines. When I came back and tried again a couple of hours later there were firewall entries and I could modify.

    Migrated a website in with the migration toolkit (the site was originally mod-php but that doesn't seem to be working on the new server, so I need to troubleshoot that), I changed the site to PHP-FPM and was working so-so (a test phpinfo() file in the webroot directory worked fine, but in a subdirectory it returned a scant bit of session info in a plain-text page... this noticed after some of the customer scripts in that directory weren't working properly). I then changed back to mod-php and then back to PHP-FPM and then the phpinfo() tests were ok in both directories.

    Will have to see how things settle this week.

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