Hello, I have ISPconfig3 everything work fine all service running but few days ago I cannot access all site on my server I have done these steps below. I use Digitalocean’s DNS (the vanity DNS), all domains pointed to my server. All services is running, no abnormal log. Firewall is enable (port 80/443 is allowed) ISPconfig on port 8080 and all applications on 8081 is work fine. All Let's encrypt certificates are renewed. Only vhost files has problem I cannot access all sites on this server. How can I fix this? I also attache my sample vhost file Thank you.
The vhost looks fine. Which exact error message do you get in the web browser when you try to access the site?
However you can try on this IP When you try to connect this IP you will see request timeout, if it working you should see default apache page.
Ok, so it does not seem to be a problem with the vhost then. Please run the test script as root user and post the result: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/please-read-before-posting.58408/
For a test, try to disable the ufw firewall: sudo ufw disable and then test if you can access the web server now. You can re-enable it afterwards with: sudo ufw enable
Is the server behind a router? is the IP the only IP of the system or does it also has an 'internal' IP?
Does it work on the other IP, at least to reach the apache server? And then try this on the shell of your server: cd /tmp wget wget does it time out as well or is wget able to download the apache default page?
both IPs wget can load a HTML page from server but when I put this IPs on web browser it doesn't work I also add output from wget in file attachment. Thank you
Ok, this is a clear indication that the http and https ports are blocked in an external firewall. The datacenter where you host that server has probably such a firewall, check the controlpanel of the server / vserver that the server hosting provider probably offers you and if you don't find anything, contact the support and tell them that apache is reachable locally on the server, local firewall is off but you can't connect to apache from the internet so that they can check their firewall system.
Do you have any idea what you did on the server at the time the issue started? And di you contact the support and asked them, it might be that they applied a firewall or protection or whatever nonetheless, so it's important that you contact the support, tell them what I told you and let them test the connection on port 80 and 443.