Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by Tony De Biase, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Tony De Biase

    Tony De Biase New Member

    I have started the integration with FTP Sync 0.9 Written by Sabeen Malik
    Email: [email protected].

    This app is a powerful script that allows to synchronize websites on your servers, and also can work as a migration tool.

    Allows you to manage files exclusion, and logs each sync on plain html files.

    What I'm looking forward is someone to help in security and user permission to have the allowance to each ISPconfig user to run a particular synchronization.

    Also the runjob.php is not secured yet, due to I'm the only administrator of the tool. This script is the core ftp synchronization, and some times take time to execute, so I need a work arround to show a "loading screen / message" to let the user know that the Job is running.

    Where do I have to upload the code to contribute? is there any module repository available? I will attach the module code here.

    please feel free to contact me at Email me
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hello Tony,

    please take a look here on how to get started with contributing to ISPConfig:

    If you like to upload code to the ispconfig repository, please ensure that it is licensed under BSD license or a compatible license.

    For security reasons, the sync tool has to run under the user of the website that it shall sync. If it connects with a FTP account of a specific website, then this is ensured. But the user has to enter the FTP user password in that case as it can not be stored in cleartext in the system.

    With ISPConfig 3.0.3, we will start a addon repository. So if your code can be run as tool in the ispconfig tools section then it might be a good option to wait a until the 3.0.3 release and then publish it as addon instead of integrating it into the main release.

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