ISPConfig 3 + Horde 5 (and SquirrelMail) tuto on Debian 7 - emails not received

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Corend, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Corend

    Corend New Member

    Hello all,

    I've installed the following tutos about
    - "The Perfect Server - Debian Wheezy (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)"
    - "Install Horde 5 Webmail For ISPConfig On Debian Wheezy Through PEAR".

    I did it on my server with Debian 7.
    It works perfectly except for Horde and SquirrelMail.
    Indeed, I successfully created an email account with my domain name in ISPConfig. Then, with it I can access to Horde and SquirrelMail.
    I also configured a rule in ISPConfig to transfer my Gmail account to this email account I created previously.

    But, when I check my emails, there is nothing in Horde and in SquirrelMail. I prefer to use Horde but anyway I've the same issue also with SquirrelMail.

    I open the ports in ISPConfig and it seems also correct on my Debian IPTABLES config.

    A last check in ISPConfig show me that I use an Email quota of 1.1150Kb for this email account and with 772Mb transfered this month.
    Then, where are those emails? :(

    For me the domain name MX redirection was correctly configured because I didn't receive email post errors when I try to send an email to this account.

    Then, I'm becoming crazy :( The rest of ISPConfig works perfectly (website hosting, etc...)

    Any ideas? What did I do wrong? How to investigate on it?

  2. commentator

    commentator Member

    check your webserverlog and mail log to see if your horde is actually reading/checking the mailbox.

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